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Funding Marketing Activities
Q: What is the cost to use mConcierge?

A. The mConcierge program has been fully funded by Cisco. The only partner costs are those associated with the execution of your marketing activities. These costs include list purchases, search engine marketing costs (e.g. Google AdWords), media purchases (e.g. magazine ad), events, etc.

Q: How to obtain funding for a marketing activity?

A. If available, funding can be obtained by working with your Cisco Field Representative or your Cisco mConcierge representative.

Q: How do I get approval for my marketing activity reimbursement?

A. Once approved for funding, Joint Marketing Funds (JMF) will be allocated to your “Partner Wallet” in the Cisco Partner Marketing Central tool. You will then need to submit a customized marketing application (CMA) for approval. Once approved, partners are required to submit a claim and upload required proof of performance review. Once approved you will receive reimbursement. Please Note: Guideline parameters are strictly enforced. It is always best to contact the mConcierge team or Virtual marketing Organization to ensure all guidelines are met.