Get answers to the most common inquiries about the Cisco mConcierge program: How it works, how much it costs, how to get started, and more.
The mConcierge Program:
Q: What is the Cisco mConcierge program?

A. The Cisco mConcierge program is a marketing concierge program/service for Cisco partners that helps to generate demand for Cisco products and services by automating numerous integrated marketing activities. These activities are based on a collaborative marketing plan that is tailored to the partner’s goals and budget.

Q: What does it mean to be a Cisco mConcierge partner?

A. The Cisco mConcierge program is “invitation-only.” mConcierge partners are selected to participate in a program that has demonstrated the ability to grow Cisco partner business by doing more effective integrated co-marketing activities.

Q: What can I expect from the Cisco mConcierge program?

A. As a Cisco mConcierge program participant, you will be assigned to a Cisco mConcierge representative who can assist you in establishing and executing an integrated marketing plan designed to grow your Cisco business. You will receive industry-leading marketing support, marketing consultation services, and access to a comprehensive suite of automated marketing tools and resources.

Q: Why should I participate in the Cisco mConcierge program?

A. By participating in the Cisco mConcierge program you will receive:

  • Live support from qualified mConcierge representatives
  • Increased awareness of Cisco marketing programs, resources, promotions and tools.
  • Unlimited access to the most innovative marketing execution platform in the industry.
  • One-click execution on a comprehensive library of Cisco marketing assets, including e-mails, direct mail, flyers, brochures, search engine marketing, banner ads, landing pages and microsites
  • Detailed campaign tracking and metrics, including trackable phone numbers, QR codes, lead prioritization, lead management, Google Adwords API, reporting, and more.
Q: How will my business benefit from the Cisco mConcierge program?

A. You will spend less time prospecting and more time nurturing leads and closing deals. Your business will benefit from the creation of a more predictable lead generation model that will help to increase your Cisco sales and profitability. Partners that have participated in the program have seen up to a 30% increase in their Cisco product revenue.

Q: How can I be nominated for the Cisco mConcierge program?

A. If you are interested in participating in the Cisco mConcierge program, please contact your Cisco Account Manager and submit an online request form through our Feedback Page.

Q: How long will the Cisco mConcierge program last?

A. As an active partner in the Cisco mConcierge program, you will be asked to set up a one-year marketing plan. mConcierge has been supporting Cisco partners for several years and we plan to continue rolling out the program at an accelerated pace.

Q: How much does it cost to participate in the Cisco mConcierge program?

A. The Cisco mConcierge service and execution platform has been fully subsidized by Cisco. The only partner costs are those associated with the execution of your marketing activities. For example, list purchases, search engine marketing costs (e.g., Google AdWords), media purchases (e.g., magazine ads), and events, etc.

Q: Will the Cisco mConcierge program give me co-marketing funds?

A. You will need to work with your Cisco mConcierge representative and Cisco Field representative for details on funding availability.

Q: What type of marketing support will the Cisco mConcierge program provide?

A. Areas of support include market opportunity analysis, campaign-planning, marketing execution services through the Cisco mConcierge marketing platform, and campaign optimization. You can also expect ongoing updates on “best practices” based on the performance of other partner campaigns and tactics.

Q: Who is my Cisco mConcierge program representative?

A. Your Cisco mConcierge representative will be assigned to you based on your region. Once nominated for the program you will receive information about your mConcierge representative, and can then reach out to begin the process.

Q: How many leads can I expect to generate with the Cisco mConcierge program?

A. Quantities vary from campaign to campaign. Based on your revenue goals for the year, the Cisco mConcierge platform will help you extrapolate how many impressions, leads and appointments will likely be necessary in order to accomplish your goal(s). You can then choose from recommended integrated campaigns, or build your own in the system.

Q: Do you have success stories or examples of campaigns that have worked in the past?

A. Yes. Success stories can be found in our testimonials section.

Q: How are other partners leveraging the Cisco mConcierge program?

A. Program utilization varies by partner marketing infrastructure and expertise. Cisco mConcierge provides a full-service marketing solution for those who need it, or can simply augment your current marketing infrastructure.


Getting Set Up
Q: How do I log into Cisco mConcierge?

A. Users are required to log in to protected areas of the site, as well as to the Cisco mConcierge tool for planning and executing marketing campaigns. Log in at the top of the screen, or by clicking here. If you do not know your username (generally your e-mail address) or password, you can re-set your password by clicking here.

Q: How long will I have access to the Cisco mConcierge program?

A. You will likely have access to Cisco mConcierge for as long as you find it useful. However, mConcierge is an exclusive program for high-potential Cisco partners. As such, we reserve the right to curtail or revoke partner access at any time.

Q: How do I obtain support for the Cisco mConcierge program?

A. Support can be obtained via the Click to Chat feature or, if you have been assigned a Cisco mConcierge representative, contact him or her.

Q: Are my customer lists secure?

A. Yes. Customer and prospect lists uploaded to the platform will only be used by your organization.

Q: Will I be able to receive reporting from the Cisco mConcierge program?

A. Yes. Reports can be generated for every campaign that you execute and all follow-up activities that are reported in the lead management area of the system.

Q: How can I use Cisco mConcierge to generate and distribute leads?

A. Every campaign launched through the Cisco mConcierge platform is fully trackable. The platform can be set up to generate alerts and leads for most actions taken by prospects. Leads can be assigned to multiple contacts within the Lead Management section.

Q: Does the Lead Management feature of Cisco mConcierge integrate with my CRM?

A. No. However, we are working to integrate this functionality into other commonly used CRM platforms in the near future.

Q: How do I add users to our company’s Cisco mConcierge account?

A. Please use the Click to Chat feature, or reach out to your mConcierge representative to set this up.

Q: What will be the “sender e-mail address” on the e-mails that are sent out?

A. E-mail campaigns will be sent from the “record owner” e-mail address. The record owner is the field your company designates during set-up. You can change this information at any time by logging into the system.

Q: How do I ensure that I won’t be blacklisted or flagged for spamming?

A. The Cisco mConcierge platform has several checks and balances to conform to e-mail marketing rules and regulations. The platform prevents spamming, as well as sending campaigns to contacts that have unsubscribed from previous e-mails.

Q: Can I connect the landing page to my website?

A. To ensure proper functionality and lead trackability, we recommend that all landing pages be hosted through the Cisco mConcierge platform. However, your website can be accessed from the landing pages by clicking on your company name or logo on the page or microsite.

Q: What is a trackable phone number?

A. A trackable phone number is a DID that is generated to correlate inbound phone calls to specific campaigns. These phone numbers will appear on marketing assets and are then forwarded to a specific phone number and/or extension of your choice. They are used to help increase trackability, improve quality, and provide sales training opportunities.

Q: How do I set up the trackable phone number?

A. Trackable phone numbers can be assigned to your campaigns as you fill out your profile in the Cisco mConcierge platform. You may choose a toll-free number or a local number. For more information, please use the Click to Chat feature or contact your Cisco mConcierge representative.

Q: Who should the trackable phone number be routed to?

A. It is best to have the trackable phone number routed to a team member or vendor that is not only present, but also trained to field sales inquiries. As such, a dedicated sales person or team is best.

Q: Why does a computer-generated voicemail pick up instead of my company voicemail?

A. In the Call Tracking section of the mConcierge platform, the Time to Voicemail default is set to 30 seconds. If an automated voicemail picks up before your company’s voicemail kicks in, you will need to adjust the time. You can do this in the Call Tracking section of your account. For more information, please utilize the Click to Chat feature or contact your Cisco mConcierge representative.


Creating a Marketing Plan
Q: How do I choose a campaign?

A. Once logged into the Cisco mConcierge platform, you will have the ability to choose a campaign. The campaign you choose should be one that will help you achieve the goals you have established in your marketing plan and—ideally—one that aligns with current Cisco programs or promotions.

For more assistance with selecting campaign messaging you can visit (please add name of section and bold), utilize the Click to chat feature, or contact your Cisco mConcierge representative.
Q: What is an Integrated Marketing Plan?

A. An integrated marketing plan leverages the same messaging, promotions, and calls to action across multiple marketing activities. These plans are often executed over a 6-12 month period, in a consistent fashion, to create a sustainable lead generation and nurturing model.

Q: Which marketing activities are the most impactful?

A. Rarely does a singular activity generate consistent leads. It is best to choose activities that complement one another and that conform to a logical timeline. To learn more about activity integration, please visit the Marketing Basics page.

Q: How do I identify the right marketing mix for my organization?

A. Based on the revenue goals, technology focus, and target industries you input into your marketing plan, the system (or your Cisco mConcierge representative) will present a handful of recommended integrated campaigns—a proposed marketing mix. You may also customize this approach on your own. Analyzing the performance of your past marketing activities is a good way to guide this process. Eventually, the mConcierge platform can also provide you with metrics to help you improve your marketing mix.

Q: How many campaigns/activities can I schedule?

A. There is no limit to the number of campaigns or activities that you can schedule.

Q: How is my activity managed using Cisco mConcierge?

A. The campaign tool (or your Cisco mConcierge representative) can generate a summary that includes a list of activities, milestones and timelines to help you manage the planning, set-up, execution, and optimization phases of your campaign.

Q: Do you have email templates that I can use?

A. Yes. The Cisco mConcierge platform has a variety of e-mail templates that can be co-branded and customized for your organization’s use.

Q: Where can I learn about a Customized Marketing Activity (CMA)?

A. Visit Cisco Partner Marketing Central, contact your Cisco mConcierge representative, or reach out to the Cisco Virtual Marketing Organization for more information.


Executing a Campaign
Q: Can I create my own campaign in Cisco mConcierge?

A. Yes. The platform is set up to help you generate custom or recommended campaigns that align to your marketing plan.

Q: Where can I find Cisco marketing assets/collateral?

A. There are a number of automated, integrated campaigns within the Cisco mConcierge platform that can be executed in a few easy steps. For access to specific photos, videos or other marketing content, please visit the Brand Asset Library on Cisco Partner Central.

Q: Can I edit the marketing assets in Cisco mConcierge?

A. Yes. All assets in the mConcierge platform are fully-customizable.

Q: Do you have templates I can use for banner ads?

A. Yes. Each integrated campaign in the Cisco mConcierge platform includes a customizable banner ad.

Q: How do I access printed marketing collateral that I can use for direct mail?

A. Each integrated campaign in the Cisco mConcierge platform includes a customizable direct mail piece.

Q: What is a landing page? Why is it Important?

A. A landing page is a dedicated web page that serves as a destination for customers/prospects to obtain more information about an offering after clicking a link. Landing pages increase trackability, provide users with relevant content, and generate consistency within marketing campaigns.

Q: How can I get assistance with search engine optimization?

A. Use the Click to Chat feature, or contact your Cisco mConcierge representative.

Q: How can I place ads on Google?

A. The Cisco mConcierge program can help you set up and manage Cisco Google Ads.

Q: Where do I find Cisco videos that I can use?

A. Most campaigns within the Cisco mConcierge platform leverage video in some fashion. If you are looking for specific videos for events or other venues, please use the Click to Chat feature, or contact your mConcierge representative.

Q: How many prospects can I send emails to?

A. There is no limit to the number of contacts you can send e-mails to through the Cisco mConcierge platform.

Q: How do I upload a list of prospects into Cisco mConcierge?

A. Your mConcierge representative can assist with list uploads. There is a List Upload Tool in the Cisco mConcierge platform that you can access by logging in.

Q: Do other partners have access to my lists/info?

A. No. Lists are only accessible by members of your team.

Q: Can I promote an event through Cisco mConcierge?

A. Yes. For assistance please use the Click to Chat feature, or contact your Cisco mConcierge representative.

Q: Can I get reporting on my campaigns?

A. Yes. You can obtain real-time results for all marketing campaigns in the Cisco mConcierge platform

Q: How do I host a Cisco event?

A. Please use the Click to Chat feature, or contact your Cisco mConcierge representative.

Q: How do I find a Cisco speaker/presenter for my event?

A. Please use the Click to Chat feature, or contact your Cisco mConcierge representative.

Q: How do I drive attendance to my event?

A. For a detailed overview of event-hosting best practices, please click here.


Funding Marketing Activities
Q: What is the cost to use Cisco mConcierge?

A. The Cisco mConcierge program has been fully funded by Cisco. The only partner costs are those associated with the execution of your marketing activities. These costs include list purchases, search engine marketing costs (e.g., Google AdWords), media purchases (e.g., magazine ads), events, etc.

Q: How do I obtain funding for a marketing activity?

A. If available, funding can be obtained by working with your Cisco Field representative or your Cisco mConcierge representative.

Q: How do I get approval for my marketing activity reimbursement?

A. Once approved for funding, Joint Marketing Funds (JMF) will be allocated to your “Partner Wallet” in the Cisco Partner Marketing Central tool. You will then need to submit a customized marketing application (CMA) for approval. Once approved, partners are required to submit a claim and upload required proof of performance. Once approved you will receive reimbursement. Please note: Guideline parameters are strictly enforced. It is always best to contact the Cisco mConcierge team or Virtual Marketing Organization to ensure all guidelines are met.


Partner Marketing Central
Q: What is Partner Marketing Central?

A. Cisco Partner Marketing Central is a portal that Cisco has created to enable partners to execute marketing activities and manage joint marketing funds. It consists of four sections:

  • A comprehensive listing of all Cisco campaigns
  • Full-Service activities that are executed by Cisco vendors with an associated cost
  • Customized Marketing Activities that allow you to fund activities with vendors outside of Partner Marketing Central
  • An events section to assist partners with event creation and execution
Q: How do I access Partner Marketing Central?
A. Go to Cisco Partner Marketing Central and use your Cisco CCO ID and Password to sign in.
Q: How is Cisco mConcierge different from Cisco Partner Marketing Central?

A. The Cisco mConcierge platform is a strategic marketing platform that can help you easily plan, set up, execute and review a customized Cisco Integrated Marketing Campaign. Cisco Partner Marketing Central is more of a repository for Cisco marketing assets and collateral that also allows partners to manage their joint marketing funds or pay for full-service plays from Cisco vendors.

Q: What is the difference between Cisco Partner Marketing Central, Cisco Partner Central, and Cisco mConcierge?

A. Cisco Partner Marketing Central is a marketing-specific portal where Cisco partners can gain access to marketing resources and order pay-per-use marketing activities. Cisco Partner Central is Cisco’s main portal for partners and includes relevant links to product information, sales and marketing materials, current promotions, and other Cisco programs. Cisco mConcierge is an automated marketing platform that can help you easily plan, set up, execute and review a customized Cisco Integrated Marketing Campaign.

Q: What is the best way to generate demand for Cisco solutions/products?

A. Based on the revenue goals, technology focus, and target industries and your input into your marketing plan, the system (or your Cisco mConcierge representative) will present a handful of recommended integrated campaigns—a proposed marketing mix. You may also customize this approach on your own. Analyzing the performance of your past marketing activities is a good way to guide this process. Eventually, the Cisco mConcierge platform can also provide metrics to help you improve your marketing mix.

Q: How do I obtain guidance for executing campaigns and activities?

A. Contact your Cisco mConcierge representative or use the Click to Chat feature.

Q: Does Cisco provide images I can use to develop my marketing collateral?

A. Yes. Please visit the Marketing Library on Cisco Partner Central.

Q: How do I co-brand with Cisco?

A. As a Cisco partner you may use your Cisco partner badge.

Q: Are there guidelines for using Cisco logos?

A. Yes. Please see “Cisco Logo Terms of Use” on Cisco Partner Central for more information.

Q: Where can I access a list of Cisco-approved marketing vendors?

A. Visit the Full Service Activity section of Cisco Partner Marketing Central for Cisco approved vendors.